Tag Archives: weather

It’s Been Cold..

So… It’s been pretty cold these past few days

Cold as in, in the negatives (Celsius) cold. On Monday, the weather was normal… light jacket was enough. At 8PM, still the same. At 10PM, I get a text from one of my roommates saying “IT’S COLD”. Yes, it was in capslock. I decided to step out to see how cold it was. Also, I could hear the wind from inside my room, and it sounded bad.

So… I didn’t actually step outside.. more like stepped kind of in the doorway and opened the door a bit.


That proceeded to be the weather for the rest of the week. I think Tuesday was the worst… it was in the negatives all day (I USE CELSIUS), a bit windy… I think. But it got a teeeeeny bit warmer as each day passed by. Teeny bit as in about 1 degree warmer.

Not that I’m complaining, because I would rather the cold than hot any day.


Just as I clicked “Publish” on the previous post, it starts raining, with a little bit of hail mixed in there. 

In Oklahoma, from the past 3 years, I’ve observed that weather can change anytime. It may be hot as an oven in the afternoon, and then at night there’s rain and hail. The rain might last through most of the day, although it would change to be more like drizzling, and next week it could potentially go back to bright and sunny. Thunderstorms aren’t a rarity either. And the hail, sometimes rain, stops after a few minutes. *sigh*

Lightning & Thunder

There’s currently a lightning and thunder storm-ish going on outside.

Savannah and I just came back inside from standing out on the ‘balcony’ (more like a landing) watching lightning and thunder. I don’t mind it when I’m inside and I here thunder (don’t mind as much), but for some reason, watching it is… not exactly scary, a little fascinating, and kind of interesting. It’s cool to see some of them light up the whole sky for a split second. To see a strike of lightning, big or small, come down from the sky. If you look a way for a second, you could miss the whole thing.

Off to write more (hopefully) for my analytical report.

Weather & Exam

Well, it was significantly colder than the past few weeks. While walking to class there was actually a teeny tiny bit of snow/fleet/flurries coming down from the sky. Not that I’m complaining about the cold.. It’s just kind of weird to my Asian brain that it could be this cold in April.

I walked into my Statistics exam today feeling like it was just another day in class. I didn’t feel nervous or like I was about to take an exam… I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. I think I did well though.

These next few weeks are going to be hectic.. I think. I need to do research and write a 5 page analytical report. I know, compared to the real world, that’s probably nothing. But I’m not that great at writing and I’m not that great at research either. So this is going to be iffy. I have to do well though, since it’s a big chunk of my grade. *sigh*

Finals are coming up sooner than I think, and the end of the semester is looming ahead. This semester/past-4-months has passed by in the blink of an eye.


Something kind of excited happened today: it hailed. Luckily they weren’t the giant ones (yet) that we had last year, and I don’t think there was any car damage. They were fairly small.

Tomorrow’s temperature forecast dropped like crazy. Today’s high and lows (in Celsius) was 26 and 16. Tomorrow’s is 10 and -1. Ummm… Welcome to Oklahoma..? And tornado season is starting, if it hasn’t already. Fun. NOT. 

Not much today… Studied for statistics. Looked out the window as a guy with his two dogs rushed in and out while it hailed. The 2 dogs squatted fairly close together and immediately ran in when they were done. I thought it was a bit comical.

Well, that’s it. Boring.